Acacia Tech Group

Introduction to WordPress

Every business has a website featuring details such as about the company’s background, mission, vision, offered services and available open positions. Companies like NBC, USA Today, Disney, Airbnb, Spotify use WordPress. WordPress is a content management system that helps simplify the process of website creation, by minimizing technical complexities. Even with no coding skills, one can have a website up and running in almost no time.

Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little launched the first version of WordPress on May 27th, 2003. WordPress is an open-source platform making it accessible for everyone. Implying, it is free to use. Moreover, users also have the opportunity to contribute to its development.

The platform serves as a repository to store all the text, images, videos, documents of a website. Through the platform, one can edit, publish, then alter again the content of the website.

What are the main features of WordPress?

The upcoming sections will outline the benefits and drawbacks of using WordPress.

Benefits of Using WordPress

Drawbacks of Using WordPress

Initial Steps for Beginning with WordPress

Among the simplest methods to install and set up WordPress is configuring a WordPress instance on Lightsail. As a first step, set up an AWS account by learning about the process. Then, sign into the Lightsail console and create a WordPress instance. When selecting the instance image, opt for Linux/Unix as the platform and WordPress for blueprint.

Next, configure the WordPress instance. A registered domain name for the WordPress site is essential and specifying the domain name server (DNS) zone that will manage the DNS records of the domain. Moreover, assign a static IP address to the WordPress instance, so it’s not changed each time the instance is restarted.

Finally, to access the administration dashboard, the default WordPress admin password is mandatory. The password can be found in the instance management page.

The article discusses the well-known content management platform WordPress, emphasizing its ease of use even without any coding skills. Main features include user management, media library, theme system, plugins, SEO tools, multilingual support and website transfer. Additionally, it outlines the benefits of using WordPress, including its free accessibility, simplicity in content management and the availability of SEO tools for SEO optimization. However, the article also mentions the drawbacks, such as the knowledge of PHP is necessary in case of customization and the maintenance of themes/plugins is important. Finally, the article provides the steps for configuring a WordPress instance on Lightsail.


[1] What is WordPress? An Intro to The Most Popular Website Builder (
[2] Work with themes – Documentation –
[3] What is And How To Use a WordPress Importer + Bonus Plugins (
[4] Tutorial: Launch and configure a WordPress instance in Lightsail – Amazon Lightsail

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